Iced Tea Europe July 2009

As an iced tea fanatic here in the States, it was lovely to sit down to a glass of Lipton Ice Tea in the first Amsterdam cafe we visited. There was some floating lemon with a lemon squishing device and, shocking, - ice cubes. Remember the days of no ice cubes in drinks in Europe? Change has come.
I live in Texas and drink large Chik-Fil-A unsweet tea/diet lemonade splits with refills. With the thirst I had that day in Amsterdam, it was hard to savor this little glass of Lipton tea and not wish for my super sized drink with refills. That's part of the point of travelling for me - coming to appreciate the little things back home and abroad.
Another great treat for the iced tea fan is peach flavored bottled iced tea. Both Lipton, Nestea, and San Benedetto (here in Rome) presented lemon or peach flavored bottled iced teas. Wonder why peach flavored tea doesn't make it to the American market?


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