Baby Blanket knitting

Tip of the day: Bring your knitting to Europe! or not!

This baby blanket knitting project accompanied me on my recent 2 week trip to Europe. There were a few rows knitted on one train trip but that was it. I just didn't have the downtime or inspiration to knit. Even while riding the train. Surprise.

The yarn - Filatura di Crosa Baby Zarella is made in Italy. I thought that would bring me inspiration. At least I can say that a few rows were knitted in Italy when I gift it to my "about to deliver" co-worker.

My eye scouted for yarn shops abroad, but I saw only one craft store in France that had a small wall of yarn. I hadn't scouted shops ahead of time, or plotted a course to find yarn in Europe, but I thought I might happen across a shop or two in my travels. Ah well, there's plenty of yarn here at home.


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