Lost Treasure Found!

Tip of the day: Bring some earthly treasures home from your trip
Many years ago, I visited the beach at Cecina Mare on the Mediterranean near Pisa in Italy. I collected these rocks from the beach and loved them, especially when they in water (as above in the photograph). The color comes alive, the bands of white run through the rocks, the colors and shapes are beautiful.

After we moved from Ohio to Texas, I couldn't find the rocks. I thought they hadn't been packed up and were perhaps tossed while packing (and I blamed my husband). :-(

For years I have dreamed about getting back to Cecina to collect some more rocks from the beach. Imagine my surprise when today, 13 years after moving to Texas, I found the little sack of rocks in my garage clean out. They were in a bag with all the letters and cards my husband wrote me when we were in different states for a year before we married. I hugged him and told him I was sorry today. My treasures have returned - two of them.


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