Recipe-based restaurant cohort study - how they nailed the sprouts
The Robert Koch Institute explains how they nailed the sprouts.. Recipe-based restaurant cohort study (italics and bolding added) "With a high probability, the results of the „recipe-based restaurant cohort study” finally permit narrowing down the source of the infection to the consumption of sprouts. It was possible to apply this methodological approach only after a sufficient number of restaurant customers could be identified to ensure adequate statistical power of this analysis. To ascertain the consumption of raw fruit and vegetables by patients and controls more objectively and less dependently on memory, RKI used the following approach in the “recipe-based restaurant cohort study”: Five groups (travel groups, clubs, etc) that comprised a total of 112 participants and included 19 individuals who acquired EHEC infection were questioned regarding the foods they consumed after eating in a common restaurant. Additionall...