Lettuce and Tomatoes and Cucumbers - Oh my! Ten tips for managing the E. coli outbreak.

European E. coli outbreak June 2011

Of concern to anyone traveling through or sending a loved one to Europe right now is the deadliest outbreak of E. coli in history.

Here are my tips, as a microbiologist and Mom:

1)  We all know not to eat raw salad in India.  Apply the same to Europe (FOR NOW).

2)  We all know not to eat unwashed fruits in India.  Apply the same to Europe.

3)  Health depts. in Europe have NOT linked the bacterium to a food YET.  So, make sure any hamburger type dishes are cooked to the medium to well done point.  That mean NO pink.  Could there still be an undercooked meat link?  Let's be safe here and say maybe.

4)  Cutting through an unwashed melon could bring bacteria from the outside of the melon to the inside where you eat it.  Wash your melon!  Which brings us to point #5...

5)  If it's from a restaurant and it's raw, and you can't see how it has been washed or prepared, then just avoid it (FOR NOW).  There are plenty of cooked dishes - pretend you are in India.

6)  American E coli 0157 outbreaks have been linked to unpasteurized apple cider - Avoid it (FOR NOW).

7)  If you get bloody diarrhea, don't take antibiotics unless cultures and/or testing prove that you don't have EHEC*.  The toxins in the bacteria can be released with the use of antibiotics worsening the situation.

8) If you get diarrhea, don't take something to stop it until you are sure of what you are dealing with.  Nature wants the bacteria out of your system.  Don't stop it up.  No colon immobilizing type medicines.

9) Medical help- you'll know when you need it.  Get it.

10)  Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.  Before eating, after using the toilet, and in between.

*EHEC  Enterohemorrhagic E. coli


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